Naturvet Pet Organics No Scratch Training Aid for Cats, 473ml
Clawing and scratching are natural instincts for any cat or kitten. Unfortunately, your cat may be choosing what and where it wants to scratch and claw. When used as directed, No Scratch for Cats can help protect your furniture, draped, and carpets from a cat’s innate desire to claw and scratch.
No Scratch for Cats spray contains herbal essentials that when sprayed on fabric surfaces discourages cats from scratching the treated surface. With No Scratch for Cats, you can now protect anything that is becoming a favourite clawing surface for your cat!
Active Ingredients:
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (2.5%), Clove Oil (0.4%), White Pepper Oil (0.3%),
Citronella Oil (0.2%), Rosemary Oil (0.2%)
Inactive Ingredients:
Deionized Water, Citric Acid, Castor Oil, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate, Isopropyl Alcohol. Total Inactive Ingredients: 96.4%
Directions of Use:
- Spray No Scratch on areas you wish to protect.
- Apply daily for a few days, then as needed, depending on the severity of your pet’s habit. No Scratch is safe and non-staining on almost all materials. Test on small inconspicuous area of surface.
- To use on screen doors, windows or no fabric surfaces, tape or pin a cloth to the screen or vertical surface, then spray.
- Should not be sprayed directly on any leather or suede types of materials.